Welcome to Andover Podiatry Clinic. Our team of Podiatrists offer a high level of foot care, covering various specialisms. We aim to relieve pain and help you maintain your desired activity levels. We assess, treat and prevent a wide range of conditions including Corns and Callus, Nail Care including Fungal Nails, Ingrown Toe Nails, Verrucae and Warts, Diabetic Foot Care, Athletes Foot, Bunions, Achilles Tendon Injuries, Plantar Fasciitis, Shin Splints, Sports Injuries & Knee, Hip and Back Pain with a Biomechanical Cause.

Achilles Tendon Injuries

Achilles Tendon Injuries

This is a common sports injury that can occur gradually over time or more quickly due to an increase in activity levels. Symptoms are often a lump that can be felt within the tendon at the back of the ankle which is usually painful to squeeze.

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Athletes Foot

Athletes Foot

This is caused by a fungal infection in the skin often affecting the skin between the toes but can also affect any of the plantar (bottom) surface of the foot. People who wear shoes for long periods of time in a warm environment are particularly susceptible to this.We are able to diagnose athletes foot and offer appropriate treatment options.

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Bunions occur when the big toe joint angle changes resulting in the big toe drifting towards the other toes and a bump develops to the side of the foot. This is a structural change and often occurs in people who have very flexible foot joints and tends to be hereditary.

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Corns and Callus

Corns and Callus

Callus can build up in areas of the foot that are subject to high pressure or sheering forces. Too much callus can cause pain, increase risk of the development of corns and foot ulcerations which can lead to infections.

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Diabetic Foot Care

Diabetic Foot Care

Diabetes can reduce the sensation in feet therefore increasing the risk of damage to the foot that is not felt by the person. Any cut, graze or blister on the foot of a diabetic person can take longer than normal to heal and causes an increased risk of infection.

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Ingrown Toe Nails

Ingrown Toe Nails

This condition is a result of the edge of the nail growing into the skin generally in the big toes but not always. This often results in infection which can be very painful. Ingrown toe nails can occur because of the shape and width of the nail, trauma, poor nail cutting technique or tight-fitting shoes.

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Knee, Hip and Back Pain (with a Biomechanical Cause)

Knee, Hip and Back Pain (with a Biomechanical Cause)

Pain that occurs higher up in the body can be the result of poor foot posture and function. This is because the position of your feet has an impact on your knees, hips and back. Resulting pain higher in the body can be treated using orthotics, (special insoles), to improve the position and function of your feet, and therefore, everything above your feet too.

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Nail Care inc. Fungal Nails

Nail Care inc. Fungal Nails

Difficulty reaching your own feet is a very common problem. This makes it very challenging to care for your own nails with scissors or shop bought nail clippers. In clinic we have specialist equipment that will cope with thickened and tough nails. We can also diagnose fungal nail infections and offer advice and treatment to treat these issues.

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Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis

Symptoms of this normally include intense pain with your first step as you get out of bed in the morning which gradually eases over the first 10 minutes of use. Pain following any periods of rest and after a long day of standing or walking is also common.

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Shin Splints

Shin Splints

Shin splints is a generic term that covers several different issues. Pain to the inside of the shin can happen as a result of over training, poor footwear and / or biomechanical abnormalities in the feet. Your podiatrist will assess you and offer suitable treatments. Orthotics, special insoles, can help this problem by improving foot function. Acupuncture, footwear advice and training advice can also improve this condition.

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Sports Injuries

Sports Injuries

Exercise is an important part of many people’s lives, from high level competitive sports to social activities. Injury can be frustrating when it limits our ability to take part in the hobbies that we love. Our team of podiatrists will assess any problems that have developed and recommend treatments. These will help you recover from injury and allow you to continue to enjoy your desired level of exercise as soon as possible.

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Verrucae and Warts

Verrucae and Warts

Verrucae are caused by a viral infection that has penetrated the skin. They remain on the skin until they are detected by your immune system and then the body initiates an immune response against them and they disappear. Someone with a compromised immune system might find that it takes a lot longer for verrucae to disappear that others.

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